Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Military Museum Nj

Military Museum Nj - great museum! Up close and personal, a great weapons display. The place will bring you back to the Nam. It's a small place, though I've been there 3 times now and can't get enough of the museum.

I need to join in somehow and help. Many thanks to the gentleman who runs this place! Admission is free. Visitors wishing to donate can find a money box near the register. Please be sure to register our guests at the front door and include everyone in your party, including children.

Military Museum Nj

Things To Do In New Jersey - Air Victory Museum - Things To Do In New JerseySource:

You can also leave an email address to be on our mailing list. We recommend setting aside an hour to tour the outdoor galleries and artifacts, and bring a camera. Photography is allowed. Outdoor Exhibits: Climbing the macro artifacts is a liability, so keep young children away.

Reviewed By Wjgrobertf

Wifi is not available in the museum. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the museum. The water is acceptable. Please be respectful. Do not touch or climb on top of museum display cases or exhibits.

Volunteer personnel and/or doctors will be on site to guide visitors. Feel free to ask them to give you a tour. The horrific attack on the World Trade Center was revived through the service of our firefighters, police, National Guard, blacksmiths, FT Monmouth engineering teams, etc.;

See dioramas, photos, magazine artifacts, and uniforms, and watch videos showing ground zero of those dark days. The Atlantic County Museum of Antiquities is located in the historic Daniel Estell House, adjacent to Atlantic County Park at Estell Manor and the Atlantic Veterans Cemetery.

Includes military artifacts and personal donations from every war and conflict from the Revolutionary War to the present day. Great exhibits for all ages, the planes were fully accessible. It was very informative, with an emphasis on local WWII history.

Nj Remembrance Memorial

There are also many interactive and hands-on exhibits. You can even enter the different planes! The highlight of our visit was when Dr. Salvatore took us personally and showed us the projects they were working on behind the scenes.

The Big Summer List: Day 4 Of Things To Do Before Vacation Ends - Nj.comSource:

He even took the time to tell us the story of how he got an engine for a Boeing 777 and explained the history of many exhibits. It was a great visit and we will definitely be back again!

Touch and feel three 18th century cannons found off the NJ coast (which one makes a horrible sound?) See porcelain from the Andrea Doria, cutlery from the Morro Castle wreck in Asbury Park, and pieces from the sunk German submarine U-869 the New Jersey shore in World War II.

Take the helm of the ship from a tugboat in New York Harbor. In addition to our makerspace workshop, the Computer Deconstruction Lab operates a four-person studio with recording and mixing equipment, as well as a classroom for audio producers.

Reviewed By Redclover - Parsippany United States

Although the studio is mainly used for internal projects, it is also available to schools and individuals for voice tracking projects. Sessions are by appointment only. A great job was done putting this museum together. It is free and very interesting to say.

You could spend a few hours there if you tried to read everything on display. The volunteers were great to talk to, they know quite a bit about everything on display. Donations are appreciated but not required.

After walking through this museum, you are moved to think of the men and women who gave their lives to keep us safe. See professionally built dioramas of famous WWII battles, including Wake Island, D-Day, the Bulge, North Africa, etc.

; see artifacts like a silk wedding dress from a parachute carried on a B-29 in the Pacific Theater and a Nazi flag from the Battle of the Bulge; see and touch a beacon used to guide planes to their drop zones the night before D-Day. The building is the former home of Rebecca Estell Bourgeois Winston, the first female mayor of Estell Manor and the first female mayor of New Jersey.

New Jersey Department Of State - Nj State MuseumSource:

Shipwreck Museum

It was built in 1832 by Winston's grandfather and remodeled in the 1920s in a Colonial Revival style. The home was purchased by Atlantic County in 1993 and recently restored to provide a museum honoring our local soldiers and their contribution to our nation's history.

Visit the home of radio astronomy; your voice bounced off the moon; tracking a pulsar; see artifacts that went to the moon and came back; move the plate 60' SHOTS; view an actual original Vanguard satellite;

travel through space and time with Projects Diana, TIROS, Space Sentry and SCORE. “The Atlantic County Museum of Antiquities is intended to be a lasting tribute to our veterans and their families. Through the collection of military artifacts and personal memorabilia, we will share the contribution of Atlantic County residents to our nation's history.

We welcome people from all over to take advantage of this storied past and educational resource.” Send a message by telegraph; see if you can operate a rotary dial telephone; learn to tune a radio; Watch yourself on TV;

Computer Deconstruction Laboratory

100 years of experience in recorded sound; view real-time air traffic in the New York metropolitan area; visit the Hands On Lab for your children of all ages. See the most comprehensive display of the Army's first radar;

touch and feel the beacon that guided the airborne soldiers to the Normandy fields on D-Day; watch a video on how proximity fuzes were developed and the defeat of the Kamikaze and V1 terrorist weapons. The New Jersey Association of Historic Divers has curated exhibits showcasing artifacts found and recovered from the seabed.

These include a pistol, ship's wheel, cutlery, and more. They also display a map of local wrecks, diving equipment, and models. There is a conservation laboratory to teach proper methods of extraction and conservation. In 1758, the Old Barracks was built to house British troops during the French and Indian War.

A Tour Of The Military Technology Museum Of New Jersey ~ The History Girl!Source:

During the Revolutionary War, the barracks was one of Washington's military hospitals. Today, the building houses an interpretive museum, galleries, a gift shop, and meeting space. Guided tours begin on the hour from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Reviewed By Vetman - Bethlehem United States

m. to 4 p.m. m., Monday to Saturday. My son and I came to visit on a winter day and we are so glad we did! The young guide was friendly and very knowledgeable and patient with all of our comments and questions.

He's a reenactor and he was as interested in his clothes as anything else! I didn't realize the original use of the barracks was during the French and Indian War. The exhibits told the stories of what it was like to be a soldier or an officer, and in the apothecary room our guide gave a great presentation on the different types of smallpox and how the Continental Army was exposed on site.

The gift shop receptionist was also helpful and knowledgeable! I will take my grandchildren! We stopped to look at a piece of history. We didn't hike to the top of the tower, but it was open.

Be sure to walk to the back of the tower to see the Eternal Flame Statue in Memory of the Ancients. Look at the jammer protecting the president's helicopter from missiles; view the systems used to override IEDs on the road;

Wwii Battlefield Dioramas Models And Artifacts

touch and feel the black boxes that breached German radar in World War II; learn what the military acronym AOC stands for and its history. Tatham Life Saving Station is one of the sites featured in the New Jersey Lighthouse Challenge.

I am not sure about the usual opening hours of the house. However, this is a good place to stop and learn about the history of the Jersey shore and get a great view of the ocean and the bird sanctuary at Stone Harbor.

Lockheed S-3B Viking – AviationmuseumSource:

We had some time to kill on a rainy Sunday with the kids (10+). This is a great old museum with some amazing artifacts and really cool planes. We have been to the Air and Space museum in DC before and this one does not have the same operating budget.

You can tell that the museum staff do the best they can with what they have. It was great to see the area of ​​the store where they are remodeling the display items. If you delve into engines and power plants, there are a lot of them that you can show.

Space Exploration

A great educational experience. It's all there, you just have to spend the time and search for it. We are so glad we stopped. In 2013, County Executive Dennis Levinson appointed former County Executive Richard E. Squires to serve as Chairman of the Veterans Museum Committee, which included veterans, historians, and members of the public to help collect artifacts and materials for the new museum, whose research and adoption.

The committee received cooperation from the Atlantic County Veterans Museum Foundation, a 501©3 non-profit organization, to raise funds to support the creation of exhibits, exhibits, and preservation of museum items. See how computers have grown from the size of a classroom to the size of your hand;

learn how apps were created in the 1970s and 1980s; learn about the inventions that happened here in NJ; see the evolution of the microprocessor and the application of Moore's Law. Fire Control Tower No. 23 is New Jersey's last salvageable tower from World War II, and was part of the massive Harbor Defense system in the Delaware system known as Fort Miles.

It played an important role in defending the Delaware Bay and river shoreline. Built in 1942, the tower was one of 15 towers that helped direct the coastal artillery batteries. Fire Control Tower No. 23 on land now part of Cape May State Park.

Radio Technology

The boardwalk up to the Tower is lined with interpretive panels and leads to the Veterans Memorial on the rear deck at the base of the Tower. There is full access to the deck and entry level.

Benneckenstein, Germany. 11Th July, 2020. A Mig 21 Stands On The Grounds Of  The East German Vehicle And Technology Museum In Benneckenstein. The Museum  Organizes The Days Of Technology This Weekend. MuseumSource:

The Tower has been restored and is operated by the non-profit organization Rinna Bealtaine MAC (Museums + Arts + Culture). Learn about the life-saving history of ship-to-shore radios and the men and women who operated them.

See actual SOS messages from the RMS TITANIC disaster and images of the sunken passenger ship, the SS PRINSENDAM, as well as the navigational instruments and radio equipment from the lifeboat. In our original Cold War-era theater, you can view period rations/supplies and watch an educational video on the threat and preparations for a nuclear attack.

Joe Reilly and Tim Troppoli restored the shelter. Jim Kudrick keeps it. See half an acre of military vehicles (jeeps, tanks, motorcycles, guns, and trucks), including many unique ones that aren't even the Smithsonian; visit the Berlin Airlift exhibition;

Military Radar And Electronics

take a photo with Churchill or Stalin; learn where M&Ms come from; See and feel a fully operational Jeb Stuart M-3 tank. Atlantic County Veterans Museum 189 State Highway Route 50 May Landing, NJ 08330 Phone: (609) 909-7305 Hours: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

m. to 3 p.m. m. The visit was overwhelming and the activity required us to keep my nephews working. We settled on InfoAge, a science history museum and learning center I had never heard of until that morning.

Considering that I was born and raised in Jersey and spent over 40 years in the Air didn't surprise me anymore. As we toured the various museums, I had the chance to talk research and development with a real world engineer, go island hopping in WWII with a USMC WWII veteran, and the chance to talk about WWII. World War with a real historian.

While the museums are running, the exhibits in each room capture and hold our attention, very impressive for ages 10-58. The dioramas truly convey the drama of selected battle scenes better than any photograph. The dioramas and models are built by expert craftsmen and modelers.

Reviewed By Dontru

Bob Perricelli, John Cervini and their friends contributed many battlefield models and settings. The Veteran Wireless Operators Association has a history of heroically rescuing ships in distress. All sailors and passengers relied on the wireless operator to hear a warning of danger or send messages for help if disaster struck their ship.

Many operators went down with the ship, transmitting distress calls until the last possible moment. Accessibility Statement | Privacy Practices | Use of our site | Sitemap | Contact | County Clerks See Lenape dioramas in action and learn about their history on the Jersey shore, early colonial history, and the Revolutionary War in NJ through artwork, artifacts, and dioramas of battles fought in NJ.

Play with Lionel's train handset; learn about railroad contributions to New Jersey and the military; see the 1,200-square-foot scale HO Garden State Central construction highlighting the 1952 anthracite coal lines from Jersey City to Wilkes Barre;

operate N and HO scale designs.

Reviewed By Rrqcarolh - Monroe Township United States

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